The Boxer Club of Canada Inc.
Minutes of the General Meeting held on Monday March 7, 2016
The meeting was called to order at approx. 8:04 p.m. - on-line Moderator/Chair. – President: Dave Gilmour
Attendance (30 members): Jenny & Michael Catton, Gloria Bracchetti, Karen Knox, Francine Gillanders, Josie O'Reilly,  Doris Avery, Cindy Thomas, Mary Curl, Shawn Mealey, Dave & Patti Gilmour, Marta Nettelfield, Paul & Judy Wilcox, Bernice and Bill Langley, Gloria Bracchetti, Irene & Len Waddell, Melissa & Mark Mathers, Anne McDougall, Christine Burton, Cindy Thomas, Kimberly Smith, Kirstan Sonnenberg, Richard Tarrington, Sandra Beck, Tammy Ranta
Reminder: A quick reminder that there is a prize at the end of the year for everyone that has attended a meeting, served on the exec or a committee. You get one entry for every meeting attended, committee served on or exec position. They go into a hat at the end of the year and a name is drawn.


Dave: I would like to call the meeting to order so if everyone could state their name for attendance

As Lillian is not here we will move on to last meetings minutes. Everyone should of had a chance to read them by now. Is there any errors or omissions

Dave: As there is no problems with them I move them be accepted as written.  Jenny  seconded.

Business Arising From the Minutes
– None

Programme: Lillian: Not in attendance

Treasurer’s Report Kim Long

               Mary: As Kim cannot be here I have her report:

Show Committee :  Mary -

Trophy Committee: Anne McDougall  - No report

Publicity:  Rich Tarrington

Program: Lillian

Membership: Doris Avery

Discipline Committee: 

Obedience Committee:  Marta

Awards Committee: Mary & Shirley & Sandra

Fund Raising Committee:  Patti

Nomination Committee: Francine Gillanders, Karen Parton and Tammy Ranta

Reading of General Correspondence:  Cindy Thomas

Good & Welfare: Lillian Wainright

Old Business:  


New Business:

sandra beck

sorry i missed the first half of the meeting. Is this something we do annually Jenny? or is this related to the auction?


usually it is something we do annually and is not tied to the auction

Rick Tarrington

I've tried several times to get some sort of budget to start promoting our club to no avail...

Paul Wilcox

I tought when Paul D. was treasurer the membership voted to cut back on donations


It was dealt with anually until we started doing the auctions

Bernice Lanagley

You have had sufficient funds to  make a donation to the Rescue etc etc.   This is a Non Profit Organization and you are sitting o n  charitable funds.  You should use some of it   sometime.


Yes we had vioted to cut back on donations but that was part of the objective of the auctions to keep donating to rescue

Bernice Lanagley

Maybe my thinking is wrong but you have the money in the bank.


Which charitable funds are you referring to Bernice

Paul Wilcox

Thanks Dave, that was my recollection

Bernice Lanagley

 You have Boxer Rescue, both here and Alberta has a large Rescue, you have  OVC.    You have cholices.


The donations have been going to Boxer Rescue canada

Christine Burton

I am unable to scroll back to financial report.  What is our current bank balance?


Approx 14,000

Bernice Lanagley

 $14727.00 to be exact

Christine Burton

If we have no major expense's perhaps we take a vote to see if membership would like to donate  a certain amount of money.  Given that we no longer pay for a venue the club may have funds

Marta Nettelfield

Just as an FYI for those that don't know - Boxer Rescue Canada works rescue in BC, AB and SK.  As well, we have moved back into the Maritimes to try and build up a volunteer network there.


Untill I have a chance to talk with Kim I suggest we don't do anything because some of the funds you are looking at belong to a fund for the 70th club anniversary show next yera


Two things


First: I suggest that we come back to the next meeting with numbers re: what is going to the 2017 National (what is in that fund) and also some concrete numbers and charities that we would wish to donate to


Good & Welfare:

Dave: Before I adjourn tonight's meeting I would like to thank everyone for attending. This was one of the most constructive and interactive meetings we have had in a long time. It was great to see some new faces at the meeting. I hope to see some of your smiling faces at Scarborough this weekend. If I don't see you but you see me please say hello.This meeting is now adjourned - 9:53 p.m.
Next regular meeting April 4th, 2016, 8 pm Ontario time - Note Ontario will be on Daylight Savings time